Lure Fishing UK

Suveran spinning reel from Abu Garcia

Alan Aubert

I fish exclusively for bass using lures and therefore when my last spinning reel gave up the ghost I decided to buy myself something that would last and be a joy to use.

Weeks were spent pondering and eventually I decided on a Suveran Spinning reel from Abu Garcia, recommended retail price of �159.

I found a stockist on the internet: Reel Action Fishing Tackle, who were one of the few stockist's who had this reel in the UK, and ordered it at a very competitive price. It arrived a couple of days later.

Suveran spinning reel What joy! A beautiful looking piece of machined engineering in a Gold box, leather bag and a spare spool. This reel has a centre drag which can easily be adjusted whilst playing a fish.
The reel worked well for a few outings then the anti reverse spring went and I had to send it back. The man on the phone at the Service Centre said they would cover the cost of me posting the reel in, they never did.

Back it came, fixed? Yes, and indeed the reel has landed me a large number of fish over the last 6 months that I have owned it. However a grating noise has started to creep in and small bits of brass can be seen when you open the casing. Not content with this the bail arm now fails to open properly.

At the time of writing my reel should have reached the Abu service centre. I hope if any one from Abu reads this review they might like to compensate me and send me a new reel.

What is the old saying? All that glitters is not Gold

Webmaster's note: Alan did finally receive a replacement reel

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