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By: Al Lindner, Fred Buller, Doug Stange, Dave Csanda, Ron Lindner, Bob Ripley, and Jan Eggers.

This small paperback from In-fisherman is a detailed guide to the American approach to pike fishing published in 1992.

It focuses on the location of pike at different times of year under different weather conditions and the tactics necessary to succeed under those circumstances. Plentiful black and white illustrations, and lots of maps to describe location choices. It is very different to most UK books in that it is quite dogmatic about what will and will not work at different times. I suspect that the predictable nature of their weather makes life a little easier for them. All the fishing is from boats with plenty of trolling, and covered in great detail. It is clear that they would not fish without first obtaining a detailed underwater contour map. Most of the techniques concern lures, but live and dead baits are covered. The attitude in the book seemed to be one of "location plus correct presentation equals pike".

This book would be of most use to boat anglers fishing larger waters, but there is quite a lot of generally interesting stuff, and it is cheap enough to be well worth studying by thoughtful lure anglers on all waters.

Less than �9 (including postage) from Amazon, expect to wait a couple of weeks or so for delivery.