Lure Fishing UK

Lure Anglers Society- Severn Valley Chapter

Newsletter from the Severn Valley Chapter of the Lure Anglers' Society

Here is the newsletter from the meeting held on 16/5/01 at the Harvester in Bromsgrove.

Formal Stuff
Present: M. Bowen, L. Jones, M. Lench, W. Lucas, N. Mawer, P. Moore, N. Plumbley, D. Pugh, M. Stringer.
Apologies: A. Baldwin, D. Hilton, J. McDonough, N. Roberts, G. Wood

Mick suggested that we hold a summer fish-in one of the evenings. It�s the first birthday of the Chapter on 18/7/01, so that�s the date. We�ll go for a stretch on the Avon, which will be decided at the June meeting. So remember, in July we won�t be meeting at the Harvester. So we don�t miss anyone out I�ll put the venue and whatever on the message boards. Full details will be sent out with the June newsletter as well. I send this to anyone who has ever been to a meeting or is an LAS member in the area, so everyone should get to hear.

The low turn out was mostly due to holidays. We just wished we could have gone with them.

The bass fishing will definitely go ahead and Mike Lench will get a tide table for Borth and we�ll sort it from there.

Date of next meeting: 20/6/01 at 7.30pm in the Harvester at Bromsgrove

Informal Stuff
Jim and Alan have been having a few fish in Ireland. Lot�s of big doubles plus a 29lb�er. Makes you sick don�t it. Mick had his latest creations with him. He gave Matt a few of his latest lures to try out in Norway. The breakaway hooks looked good, but I really liked the look of his rubber Zalt with the curly tail. Rather nice. In black especially please Mick. Hint, hint. I just couldn�t do what he does. I don�t have the imagination or the ability to keep at it. I gave out copies of Richard's handouts for bass fishing, but if you haven�t got one and want one, give me a bell. It�ll be nice to go for an evenings fishing in July, so don�t go to the Harvester in July. We also have to organise the bass trip, which is Mid Wales. Not too far to travel.

I�ll book up the matches/ fish ins when we know the river sections of the BAA are going to be definitely open. I�ll ring this week to check.

Not so many people this month, but good all the same.

Stuff To Think About
Not much really. Bass fishing is very slowly coming together. If anyone wants to go on the South Coast Chapter's contact list for bass fishing , ring Dave Wilkins and he�ll oblige. It�s a drop everything job for a few hours, which may make it difficult, but a good offer. Think everything else has been covered

Stuff To Do.
Much more this time.
9/6/01 LAS Conference at Derby. Tickets from Ray Farrell 01474 706049
15/7/01 LAS match at Ardingly. Being organised by John Milford, but early days yet, so contact me.
18/7/01 Severn Valley Chapter�s Birthday Bash on the Avon. Details next month. We won�t be at the Harvester in July
8/9/01 The LAS�s first AGM. At Highley village hall 11.30am. Fishing afterward of course, on the Severn. Steve Crowther will be giving demo�s as well.
16/9/01 Shimano fish in. Again still in the organising stage, so ring me for info.

Neil Plumbley    Email [email protected]

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