Lure Anglers' Society - Three Shires Chapter
3rd Meeting of the Three Shires Chapter of the Lure Anglers' Society held at the Hobby Horse pub, Glebe Way, Syston, Leicestershire at 8 p.m. on Wednesday 3rd January 2000
Present and apologies
Present: Pete Felstead, David Hughes, Tim Moran, Bob Tweedle, Penny Warman, Eric Weight
Apologies: Steve Watson
Chapter Fish-in at Ferry Meadows
The Chapter's first fish-in was held on 28th December at Ferry Meadows. Heavy snow fell overnight and understandably made the journey difficult for many. Steve Watson, Richard Froud and Tim Moran made it to the bank but the hoped for Zander did not oblige.
Future events
Recce day at Hollowell Resevoir - 13th January 2001
We'll have a pre fish-in recce day when two Chapter locals - Phil Pratt and Wayne Nixon will be showing us how to do it at Hollowell. Meet on the dam at 09:00 am.
Fish-in at Hollowell Reservoir - 27th January 2001
The fish-in is confirmed. Meet on the 27th at 8:00 am on the dam for a briefing and allocation of groups to a 'guide'. Hollowell is a day ticket water and operates a 'honesty box' pre-pay system.
Multi Chapter fish-in at Hollowell Reservoir - 29th April 2001
This is the 'hot one'. It's the top time at Hollowell and the Severn Valley, NW London and West Yorkshire Chapters are joining us (other Chapters are welcome). Why just fish the Sunday? Let's pile down and do the Saturday too�.. Final details to come in February and March minutes.
Tim proposed that individual members might wish to host small groups on their 'home' waters. To start this ball rolling Tim offers up to three other Chapter members (first come, first served) a 'guided' day on the river Nene. It will be a roving day, fishing a few selected and known venues between Oundle and Peterborough. We'll be targeting pike and perch but a good chub or two is always on the cards. With river conditions as they are, it may be a while before this one happens�. Book now.
Please send me details of any 'host-ins' which you are prepared to host, i.e. venue, species, numbers of anglers, etc. so that I can publish these to the membership.
Other events
First the bad news. The planned close season zander meets on the Midlands canals are unfortunately postponed pending further information. British Waterways has recently allocated funds to extend their zander culling programme on the Birmingham & Fazely (Fazely stretch), Ashby (entire), Coventry (Atherstone to Fazely) and North Oxford canals, commencing February 2001. Apparently they achieve a 40% removal rate in a single pass with the electro-fisher and of those taken 60% are over 3lb!! It appears as though this will become an annual practise. If you want anymore info I suggest you give Keith Fisher at British Waterways a buzz (01827 252048). You will find him very helpful.
The good news is that Grafham is becoming a seriously interesting zander venue, a fact which Anglian Water seems to be pleased about! The North Tower is becoming the recognised hotspot, 2-4 inch baits twitched long the bottom seem to be doing the trick. Anyone up for some zander on the fly? Call Tim.
Liaison with other Chapters
West Yorkshire Chapter
Andy Szczecinski writes "There are some particular dates which you may be interested in, Lake District w/end (May 12th & 13th), Zander w/end (Aug 11th & 12th) and a Scotland w/end (Sept 8th & 9th). We also have a trip to Esthwaite coming up on Feb 10th - if any of your group are interested I will need to know double quick so that I can book the boats."
Please contact Andy on 01274 409307
Date and venue of next meeting(s)
8:00 pm on 7th February 2001 and every 1st Wednesday of the month at the Hobby Horse, Syston.
Tim Moran
for more details